National Lille's Orchestra plays with RCF TT+

Polygone Equipment has choosen the TT+ High Definition Touring and Theatre system for the concert that the Lille’s National Orchestra with the Régional nord/Pas-de-calais Choire held in the wounderful Place d’Armes in Valenciennes, France.
16 TTL33-A Line Array Module with 6 TTS28-A subwoofers were used as the main system. 8 TTL33-A Line Array modules were also used as delay system.
Because of the size and the complexity of the event – in order to amplify the symphonic orchestra and the 147 elements of the choir 128 microphone channels and 3 mixing consoles were used – Polygone asked RCF to provide technical support on spot.
Mr. Emanuele Morlini, TT+ Product Specialist, went in Valenciennes and was responsible for the P.A. Management and for the set up of the system. The TT+ system worked perfectly and delivered an uniform sound in all the square surface.

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