RCF for Milan's Ambrosiano Carnival Show

On Saturday the 28th of February 2009 a great show took place in the Milan’s Dome square for the celebrations of the Ambrosiano Carnival, a special city’s variation of the traditional festive season. The massive square was packed with thousands of people gathered to assist to the event.
Airone Service managed all the technical aspect for the show using a complete RCF TT+ High Definition Touring and Theatre system.
The system was composed by TTL33-A line array modules, TTS28-A subwoofers, TT22-A two-way loudspeakers used as front fill and TT25-SMA stage monitors.
The line array modules were divided in 4 clusters: two main FOH and two smaller ones to amplify the sound or each side of the stage.
“We have been using TT+ products for a long time and we were absolutely confident that the system was the right choice for the show”, said Airone’s Fabio Pecis, ”in fact the first half of the show was dedicated to acting and cabaret so the voice dynamics were extremely important. The TT+ system worked at its best and the voice resulted clear and perfectly intelligible. Moreover, there was no feedback during the show, even when actors, equipped with head-set microphones, went in front of the stage with the main FOH system delivering a high volume output in order to cover all the vast area of the square.”

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