Thunder Audio and RCF provide heavenly sound on Tyler Perry's Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorn
Thunder Audio and RCF provide heavenly sound on Tyler Perry's Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorn

(Edison, New Jersey) Michigan’s Thunder Audio Inc. has a relationship with tour management company Peachez Entertainment Services that stretches back over 20 years – before Tyler Perry began his incredibly prolific theater, TV and film career. Since 1999, Mr. Perry has produced a new stage production almost every year, and the 300 live shows that he presents each year in association with Peachez Entertainment Services are attended by an average of 35,000 people per week. His latest stage play, “Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned”, owes its clarity of sound to Thunder Audio and RCF.
“Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned” is a production of nine actors, including Patrice Lovely from the hit TV sitcom "Love Thy Neighbor" and R&B Artist Cheryl "Pepsii" Riley. The show, which also includes a five-piece band and three backing vocalists, segues from spoken dialogue right into songs and back again, and requires a system to meet these unique sonic demands. Thunder Audio Inc. has provided an RCF system, including 28 TTL55-A Line Array Modules and 4 TTL36-AS subwoofers, that perfectly fills the bill. “The actors use lavalier mics, which aren’t really designed for loud-volume singing – the challenge is making that sound not too harsh and loud, while preserving the clarity of the spoken parts,” says Ron Hurd, Thunder Audio Engineer and FOH Engineer for the tour. Hurd has engineered sound on Tyler Perry’s shows since 2000, and he’s seen a dramatic turnaround in theatergoers’ post-show comments as they exit past the soundboard since incorporating RCF into the production. “With RCF, the transition from voice to song has been so seamless,” says Hurd. “We used to get some comments from patrons as they were leaving about how the vocals were hard to understand, or that the musical numbers were too loud… Now we get compliments on the music and the clarity of the actors’ voices.” Production Director Norman Williams of Peachez Entertainment Services has presided over every theater date of the tour, primarily venues with an average of 3,000 seats, and has similar praise for Thunder Audio and RCF.
“Sometimes we have very tight load-in schedules, and the RCF system is incredibly easy to load in and get positioned,” says Williams. “Thunder Audio’s customer service is outstanding,” Williams continues. He recalls a situation at a show in Chicago, where additional sound equipment was needed “Within six hours, Thunder Audio had a truck down here from Detroit with the necessary gear.”